Nov 17, 2021
The Australasian Antarctic
Expedition was a 1911–1914 expedition headed
by Douglas
Mawson that explored the largely uncharted Antarctic coast
due south of Australia.
Mawson had been inspired to lead his own venture by his experiences
on Ernest
Shackleton's Nimrod expedition in
1907–1909. During its time in Antarctica, the expedition's sledging
parties covered around 4,180 kilometres (2,600 mi) of
unexplored territory, while its ship, SY Aurora,
navigated 2,900 kilometres (1,800 mi) of unmapped coastline.
Scientific activities included meteorological measurements,
magnetic observations, an expansive oceanographic program,
and the collection of many biological and geological samples,
including the discovery of the first
meteorite found in Antarctica. The expedition was the first to
establish and maintain wireless contact
between Antarctica and Australia. Another planned innovation – the
use of an aircraft – was thwarted by an accident before the
expedition sailed. The plane's fuselage was adapted to form a
motorised sledge or "air-tractor", but it proved to be of very
limited use.
Our theme song was written and
performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a
per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here. Be sure to check our
website for more